This category is for discussing and asking questions related to mathematics.
We also accept requests for corrections to SciCoNet articles and consultations on writing. For discussions on the site’s overall structure, please use Development, and for topics requiring specialized knowledge in mathematics, please post in this category.
In this category, the AI provides initial responses. For more information on AI response specifications, click here.
Although illustrations and supplementary explanations are often helpful for understanding, the AI can only understand text. If you don’t require an AI response, start your post with the first character as “!”.
MathJax can be used to write mathematical expressions. Use MathJax as much as possible to enhance readability. If you are unfamiliar with MathJax, try searching for examples and syntax on SciCoNet or the web. Additionally, you can use websites like this one (MyScript) to convert handwritten mathematical expressions. Using a pen tablet is recommended!
If your problem is resolved, please click the “Resolved” button.
Science is a universal language. Try using browser translation features to respond to questions in languages different from your native language!
( While the language used in responses is generally up to you, it is recommended to match the language of the topic creator to improve readability.)
また、例えばこちらのサイト(MyScript)を使えば手書きの数式から変換することも可能です。 ペンタブの使用がおすすめです!